Eco-Friendly Generation Business
Eco-Friendly Generation Business
Clean energy without environmental pollution
This generator directly converts sunlight into electric energy so compared to other generated energy, this is an economic energy generating method with no air pollution, noise, heating, vibration, etc.
It is easy to put the fuel and maintain the solar energy generating system; the lifespan of the device is long and it can be installed anywhere there is sunlight.
It is easy to put the fuel and maintain the solar energy generating system; the lifespan of the device is long and it can be installed anywhere there is sunlight.
- System connection system that uses sunlight generating device electricity and the electricity provided by the electric power company
- When the conditions are not met (at night or bad weather), the electricity is provided from the existing power system
- If the electricity is not used, then the electricity is provided to the power system (KEPCO)
Business Subject
- General home, Civic amenities, Large-scale equipment, etc.
Application Field
- Small-scale electricity production, Large-scale electricity production